This is the main event! The hot air balloon activities of the Alabama Jubilee Hot Air Balloon Classic consist of four flight and event timeslots, the first is early Saturday morning (6:00am - 8:00am) and the second is late-afternoon Saturday (5:00pm - 8:00pm); then again in the morning and evening on Sunday.
The mornings are reserved for aircraft competition tasks between pilots and their crews (sometimes called 'races'...though this is no speed contest). Evenings consist of half of the balloons flying from the field and half of the balloons staying on the Jubilee field tethering and glowing.
Tethered rides are at the discretion of each pilot and are FREE. Paid flights are not offered during the event.
Tethered Rides are offered on the Alabama Jubilee schedule as part of our evening operations each day.
Tethered rides are at the pilots discretion and are FREE.
We do not offer paid balloon flights during the event.
Lines for the rides can be long so arrive early for the wait.
Minors (under 19) must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.
Pilots may have a minimum age for rides. Typically over the age of three (3).
Balloons are aircraft, not fair rides. Fuel is limited to one or two hours.
If weather conditions change, the balloons may have to discontinue with short notice.
Please refrain from smoking on the launch field. Balloon fuel is liquid propane.
Be mindful of tie-down ropes. Do not cross these unless you are given approval by the crew.
Do not touch the balloon equipment unless directed to by the pilot or crew.
Balloons have weight and capacity limits. Large groups will be asked to split-up.
Due to weather conditions, balloon activities are held in the earliest and latest hours of the day. The best time to arrive at the field is before 6:00am for morning and 5:00pm for evening.
Balloon inflations and flights are often canceled, delayed, or postposed due to weather conditions.
The Alabama Jubilee balloon events consists of four balloon events.
Each morning there is a is a competition flight for the balloons. In the evenings half the balloons will fly with the other half staying on the field for tethers and a balloon glow.
For those who often ask how you compete in a balloon, a brief description of balloon competition tasks are below:
One balloon designated as the 'hare' will launch before the others. Once in the air they try to follow the first balloon.
The first balloon will land and roll out a large fabric 'X' onto which the "hound" balloons will try to drop a bean-bag marker. Whoever is closest to the center wins.
This is a 'fly-in' that brings the balloons from off the field back onto it for the Lynn Layton Key Grab.
Balloons must fly a predetermined distance, usually three miles, and attempt to navigate back to the field in order to grab a ring from the top of a tall pole. A secondary goal is to drop a bean-bag marker at the center of an 'X' that is laid-out near the pole.
The official address of Point Mallard Park is 2901 Point Mallard Circle SE, Decatur, AL.
Please be aware that GPS directions will likely guide you through residential neighborhoods to blocked streets during the event. To avoid this, ensure that you enter via Church Street and Point Mallard Drive.
We have many food and merchandise vendors at the Alabama Jubilee Hot Air Balloon Classic including: fried foods, pizza, funnel cakes, ice cream, lemonade, inflatable activities, face paint, drinks, Kona Ice and much, much more! You'll have to visit our midway to find-out all that we offer because we are signing-up vendors right-up until the last moment to pack the most in!
If you would like to be a vendor at the Alabama Jubilee, please submit an application from our contacts section as early in the year as possible.
The Alabama Jubilee features live acts and shows in the late afternoon and evening. Veterans are honored during an onstage ceremony and live radio acts ham it up!
Our schedule is constantly updating so check back often to find out the latest!
Visitors are invited to explore the Arts and Crafts show put on by the Decatur Art Guild on the soccer field nearby.
There are lots of interesting treasures to be found from traditional wall-art, to yard-art, custom knives, and trinkets of all kids its sure to excite and delight!
If you would like to be a showing artist, please contact the Decatur Art Guild.
Each year the Southland Flywheelers host an Antique Tractor Show across from the water slides. The show features the best restored and maintained tractors in the southeast. Come and see the tractors on display and the roaring power of the demonstrations!
Come and see the classic cars at the Alabama Jubilee Auto Expo. Marvel over custom restorations, original vintage autos, kit cars and more.
If you own a classic car, you too can participate. Show up early between 8:00am and 12:00pm on Saturday to enter your car. There is a $20.00 entry fee and all proceeds support local automotive students. Prizes are awarded at 12:30pm!
For more information contact: Donald Allen at 256-227-4681 or Joe Betterton at 502-821-8727
Lodging information and special rates
The Alabama Jubilee is non-profit event organized and operated by volunteers.
If you or your organization are interested in volunteering for general duties during the event, please email us at
Would you like to crew for a balloon? Many of our pilots come from other states and need crew when they arrive. It is a fun way to get involved and learn more about the sport of Hot Air Ballooning. Many past crew are now pilots themselves! For more information about crewing, contact our balloon coordinator, called a Balloonmeister, by emailing
Balloons fly early in the morning and late afternoon. Mornings are at 6:00a.m.; Afternoon 5 - 8:00p.m.
Tethered rides are limited and require a signed waiver of liability. Children under 19 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.
Many pilots will not tether children three and under. The loud burner noise can damage their hearing.
Paid flights are not sold during the Jubilee.
Dress appropriately, wear sunscreen, and stay hydrated.
Smoking is not allowed on the launch field.
Dogs and other pets are discouraged due to the loud noises and crowds. If you do bring your pet, don't forget food and water for them. Pets must be leashed and bagged after.
The Alabama Jubilee has the best sponsors around and we could never put on a great show year, after, year free to the public without them! If you would like to become a sponsor please download an application from our contacts page and send it back to us!